The wind in the willows - tome 3 The great escape

While Rat and Mole take a well deserved rest,Toad dwells in a dank jail. For having madly loved the motorcar, the unfortunate Toad is condemned to 20 years in prison.And as Mole says, «20 years is a long time, especially for an amphibian!» But our animal friend has a trick up his sleeve. Thanks to his irresistible charm, thanks to his exceptional intelligence, and especially thanks to his immense generosity, Toad escapes and gets caught up in a high-speed chase. But to become truly free,he has to make a sacrifice - and what a sacrifice! What he holds most dearly: his dignity.
EAN 9781905460021
Collection ,
Date de parution 07/12/2006
Format 8 mm x 295 mm x 222 mm
Nombre de pages 34
Presentation Relié
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