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My little musical Louvre - Émilie Collet - GRUND

My little musical Louvre

Discover the Louvre's masterpieces while listening to classical music!

With its sound chips, this collection is unique. On each page, children search for the little button that will activate the music.
Through the paintings and universal tunes, children are immersed in the atmosphere of the Musée du Louvre. Each artwork is accompanied by a musical extract.

Verdi's "Aida" is linked to "The Crouching Scribe". The medieval world of the tapestry "A gift from the heart" finds an echo in Guillaume de Machaut's aria "Douce Dame jolie". Mona Lisa's serene expression is reflected in Josquin Desprez's "Ile fantazies". Arcimboldo's "Autumn" is illustrated by Vivaldi's "Autumn". Watteau's "Pierrot" accompanies Couperin's "Tic-Toc-Choc". Vigée Le Brun's "Self-portrait with her daughter" goes with Mozart's "Ah vous dirai-je Maman".

Séverine Cordier's sweet illustrations accompany this musical and visual journey.

EAN 9782324028137
Éditeur GRUND
Date de parution 25/03/2021
Format 18 mm x 173 mm x 158 mm
Nombre de pages 12
Presentation NR
Disponible sous 3/4 jours
10,00 €

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