Rapper's Deluxe -  Boyd todd - PHAIDON PRESS

Rapper's Deluxe

A visual and cultural history of hip hop, charting its meteoric rise from underground trailblazer to global tastemaker.To tell the story of contemporary American culture is to tell the story of hip hop. From its humble, underground origins, hip hop transcended the confines of rap music and spread its influence across a broad spectrum of American life - fashion, film, art, sports, politics, language - to become a cultural movement of profound influenceRapper's Deluxe is a critical contribution to America's cultural canon, shining a light on hip hop's ability to redefine and influence culture, through: photographs
EAN 9781838666224
Collection Documents
Date de parution 07/03/2024
Format 29 mm x 276 mm x 212 mm
Nombre de pages 298
Presentation Relié
Disponible sous 3/4 jours

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